Log splitters take care of a lot of big jobs. But splitters, like the logs themselves come in a wide variety of types and sizes. So what makes a log splitter more powerful? The power of a log...
Category: Log splitters
When it comes to maintaining your log splitter, the question of whether to grease the machine often arises. It is under considerable pressure, but it does not move fast. And many do not want oil on...
One of the biggest disadvantages of log splitters is their size. They may have to be transported from time to time, and this is where their larger size can cause some problems. If it was any other...
How Much Does a Log Splitter Cost? [With Price Range per Type]
If you frequently end up having too many cords of wood on your hands, then a log splitter may be the best way to go. There is only so much you can do with a splitting maul. With a log splitter,...
How to Split Large Logs With a Log Splitter – Complete Guide
This is a very common question I get from people online. When using a log splitter to split large logs, there are some things you need to take into consideration, the most important being the...
Advantages of Electric Log Splitters, and Who Should Buy One
[ez-toc] People often ask me if electric log splitters are a viable alternative to their gas powered counterparts. So, what's the truth? Are electric log splitters any good? Yes. Electric log...